Glorious (in English)

The NEST Company

The Story of Florence Foster Jenkins

Schweizer Premiere

4. Juni - 8. Juni 2025
Expected duration: 60 Min | break | 60 Min
Language: English
Age recommendation: 12+

Performances also in German from:
27.4. - 25. Mai 2025

The NEST Company and Theater am Hechtplatz present Anikó Donáth in the role of Florence Foster Jenkins, the worst singer of all times. The Comedy Tour de Force is based on true facts. The New York heiress tries to fulfill her childhood dream to become a famous opera singer. None of her staff dare tell her she’s absolutely terrible. When she books Carnegie Hall fantasy collides with the world.

In 2016 the story was made into a movie with Meryl Streep as Jenkins. Peter Quilters play is a touching and adoringly funny hommage and call to follow one’s inner voice.

A co-production from Theater am Hechtplatz and The NEST Company.

Cast: Anikó Dónath, Elisabeth Graf und Tim Hunziker Director: Mitch Sebastian

Spielplan & Karten


Di - Sa, 16 - 19 Uhr

Abendkasse, 1 Stunde vor Vorstellungsbeginn

Tel: +41 44 415 15 15

Ticketpark: 0900 320 320 (CHF 1.00/min)

Anfahrt mit ZVV planen

Theater Hechtplatz auf Google Maps

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